Bring your Parivar closer

Parivar App connects friends, family, and loved ones with a user-friendly interface. Join like-minded communities, share moments, nurture relationships, and stay updated with your Parivar.

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Create your Profile & Community

Showcase your interests, achievements & life updates with your Profile. Create your community to engage with compatible people, and build a stronger network and memories.

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Find your Perfect Match

Parivar is the ultimate Family management application for nurturing bonds with digital connections. It also bridges the gap between community and business interactions in the next-gen way.

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Feature your Businesses

Make your community discover your business easily. It also helps in spanning your outreach, finding the right candidate for the job, and making your business thrive along with your community.

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Top Features of Parivar App

While the features of the Parivar Management Application are extensive, here are a few insights on the valuable ones offered by the app. They are distinct and unique among family members, community members, and businesses.

Family Member & Tree

Discover & Manage your roots and celebrate your heritage with our interactive family tree.

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Member Directory

Assign Role to Members & Connect with your community through our comprehensive Member Repository.

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Task and Event Scheduling

Effortlessly manage family events, tasks, and reminders.

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Find local job vacancies easily within the community for better outreach.

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Empower change and strengthen bonds with our dedicated Community Committee.

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Perks of Linking to your
Parivar Digitally

Parivar is a mindfully designed Community Management and Engagement Application to transform how individuals interact. It simplifies access to your loved ones and like-minded people, thus making everyday life more organized, harmonious, and fun.

  • Strengthen Family Bonds

    Nurture your bond beyond family groups. This one-of-a-kind app improves connection and communication with every family member.

  • Helping Hand

    Help out people in need, be it being their blood donor, hiring talent from the community itself, or finding them a righteous partner.

  • Efficient Scheduling

    With Parivar’s intuitive scheduling features, you’ll never miss an event or task upcoming.

  • Community Engagement

    Linking to your community connects you with the right people to stay informed and actively participate in your local community.

  • Thrive Together

    When you have healthy relationships with your community members, it reflects a positive aura. All the families and communities have a chance to thrive together.

  • Personal Growth

    Personal profiles give full control to individuals regarding privacy, and security and help in tracking progress and contributions.

Why Choose Parivar?

All-in-one Family & Community App

Connect with family and community at your fingertips with Parivar. This app blends modern convenience with core values perfectly.

Enhance Family Communication and Bonding

Parivar ensures family safety, bonding, and healthy connections. Stay informed, share updates and achievements, chat via messenger, and enjoy more of what you love.

Increase Productivity and Organization

Streamline tasks with this one-stop interface that lets you assign, accomplish, and organize family and community goals smoothly. From nominal to major event planning, everything gets breezier.

Ensure Financial Transparency and Control

Financial planning and control can ease your life like anything. Do it effortlessly with Parivar’s family expense tracker to manage your budget, maximize savings, and get valuable outcomes.

Simplify Scheduling and Task Management

Schedule family or community events, meetings, tasks, or appointments like never before. Parivar has an intuitive notification reminder too which helps you stay atop regardless of daily life hustle.

A Look-through to
‘My Profile’

‘My Profile’, the term itself suggests a detailed profile that each family member can create. These profiles will include name and contact information, family tree creation, adding and managing businesses, invitations to/from members, matrimony access, adding or joining community, wishes, and more. In short, individual profiles highlight accountability and growth. It aims at ensuring the active contribution of each family member to the app for success and retaining harmony in the community.

A Glance at the


The Parivar App brings families and communities together, fostering healthy and respectful relationships to build stronger communities. With feeds and community forums, members can engage locally, stay informed about events and updates, encourage active communication, and offer mutual support.