

Generally, the blog is a regularly updated webpage run by an individual or a group. It can be in formal, informational, or conversational style. The main purpose of a blog is to educate the community regarding several topics, the latest news, insights regarding some important events, etc. In short, it can be based on anything and published timely for member engagement. 

Blogs are for one and all the community members, be it young or old, male or female. When you have that hidden talent for curating fantastic content, why not reveal it to your community? If reading is one of your hobbies, Parivar App’s blog feature can be added to your reading list. It’s a great platform for both - readers and bloggers.

Importance of Blog

Parivar App revolved around the sense of oneness and boosting community engagement. The blog is one of the best ways to support our goals. Here are some of the many reasons depicting the importance of our Blog:

Centralized Source of Information

Make it a central source of information where you share the latest updates, trends, and tips regarding any particular topic.

Encourage Community Engagement

Needless to say, a blog brings the community together and encourages engagement for a specific topic. You can influence the entire community, literally, with just a blog.

Opportunities for Learning & Growth

If you wish to proceed as a blogger but are unaware of what and how to do, consider it as your personal blogging opportunity. Learn how to write a blog by viewing other publications and grow as you go.

Address Important Issues Easily

At times, some complicated issues cannot be resolved without proper education among the individuals. You may choose the blogging way to educate the community and simplify such complex topics. What better way to elaborate the topic with appropriate examples and explain actionable plans?

Drive Members to your Business

Businesses must not miss this opportunity to share their products or services in fancier ways through Parivar’s blog feature. Inspire potential buyers from your very own community to shop with you.

Keep Community Members Updated

It’s one of the best ways to keep your community members updated with market trends, current instances, news, price hikes, and anything that they find useful. Also, as a blogger, you can stay in the limelight by publishing short reads.

Flaunt your Skills

If you’ve been fond of blogging or writing since earlier days, consider Parivar App’s blog as your platform to thrive. Let other members know your potential with the impactful content you’re capable of creating. Maybe, it becomes a starting point of your career and you get offered your dream job.

What Parivar App Provides with Blog?

A central information hub

Strengthens community bonds

Address critical issues

Inspires members to learn & grow

Offers personal and professional growth opportunities

Popular Blog Categories

If you’re interested in reading or writing a blog with the Parivar App, here are some popular categories you may proceed with. We have always believed in the idea of innovation and newness. So, we encourage our users to come forward with their talent for blog-writing and share their creative content for other members to engage.




Personal blogging





Sports & Fitness




Tip: You may choose to create a blog on a specific topic which slowly becomes your specialization or choose to be diverse with your choice of topics for that ‘maestro’ image.

How to Use the Blog Feature?

You can use Parivar App’s Blog just as you would use any random blog. The only difference is, that you’ll need admin/owner’s approval for publishing your blog. As a community member, anyone can write a blog on any topic and send it for admin’s approval. Once approved, it will be live and visible to the entire community.

The blog section can be accessed as My Profile > Blog

Write your blog in a Word file and send it as an attachment to the admin/owner for approval. Once approved, it’ll be published and you’ll be notified regarding the same.