
Business Directory

Business Directory is the term introducing itself – it’s a central database where all the listed businesses of the community are visible. A unique dictionary can be viewed by individual members of the Parivar App as per the communities they’re members with. All the businesses of other community members listed by them will be accessible to other members so they can get more information regarding your line of work.

Top Features of Business Directory

It is very convenient for businessmen to expand outreach of their niche by featuring the business with this directory. Here are the top features of creating a business directory with the Parivar App.

Step 1 : Add basic information (name, address, contact no. & a brief regarding business)

Step 2 : Mention your best services

Step 3 : Choose a business category

Step 4 : Share your Email & Website for easy reach

Step 5 : Upload exclusive images of your achievements, events, etc.

How to Make the Best Use of Business Directory Feature?

Parivar’s Business Directory feature can be used as a ladder of success.

As a business, you cannot miss the opportunity of this listing idea. Add one or more of your businesses with the application and ensure its wider outreach by making it visible to all. We also extend the privilege of privacy settings so you can choose the relevant members who can access your business details. Feel free to hide it from specific members, if you wish.

As a community member, you can use the business directory to get a knowhow of what other members are involved in. It also gives you an opportunity for self-growth. Get ideas on the latest business trends in your community and see if you can make it too! It’s easy to find out about the careers of your foreign-settled community members and reach out to them whenever required.

Business Directory Benefits for Businesses

So, how do you benefit by using this feature as a well-established business in your community? Let us share a glance at the foremost advantages you can reap whether you’re a startup or a cherished enterprise.

Feature authority & credibility of the business

Boost online presence

Encourage reputation among community members

List multiple businesses you’re involved in

Flaunt merchandising success

Have job opportunities for the community

Extend benefits to your community with awareness

Business Directory Benefits for Community Members

While businesses celebrate distinct benefits of this feature, community members can access the business directory and avail advantages like:

View business details

Get awareness regarding the businesses of other members

Connect with like-minded people

Add positive reviews and ratings for cheering favourite businesses

Approach for job openings within the community

Have job opportunities for the community

Partner with businesses for personal & community growth

Don’t forget to add your business (s) to your directory for optimal benefits! About Business Directory

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